
Benefits of oblivion

Many people complain that they forget, and constantly asking for a cure to forget .. and really forget that
many of the disadvantages of an astronomical Nncefh however, say that there is no doubt the benefits disheartening.
Forgetful types. There is not harmful to forget that we are talking about in this article. It is wrong of course, that one forgets or global religious duties and duties. It would be wrong to forget the covenants and promises and appointments. It would be wrong to forget the people preferred to forget it, or with the most numerous charities God .. etc.

That forgetfulness is not all evil, God allowed it for human benefit and interest, if properly used human .. Man Hakim knows when it should be mentioned, and when it should be forgotten. Do not forget where it should be remembered, does not remember where you must oblivion .. and we will try in this article is to explain some of the areas where oblivion improves ..
It benefits oblivion for example, that people forget the abuses .. forget us so that we can forgive and forgive. The agent has forgotten to anger the hearts of its destination .. forget to walk away from the demon and the demon of hatred hatred.

That people forget the mistakes, everyone can love, peace and fills his heart from the point of the whole. And it can be matched to each one with open arms, and stores in the heart of the evil one hand .. so if you offended one, do not try to relive in your mind insulting you. Do not sit down with people and speak to them about what to do this your abuser .. do not think about the subject, they do not speak it, lest rooted in your memory and in your heart, and wear you ..

Not just forget people's mistakes, but Ince mistakes in general. If I remembered always people's mistakes, the blackened image in your opinion, but failed to find you in the people's friend .. all people have faults, though reminiscent of each one mistakes what we have to deal with a .. and perhaps enter the doubt to our hearts from the point of all people. . maybe we can not speak with respect for each one ..

God does not put our mistakes always before his eyes, let us do so with people .. Bible tells us: "double that Tikln, measured to you and increased." If only we had permission to forget people's mistakes, so that God forgets our mistakes. At the same time when people forget the mistakes, we should mention for our sins, so that we get to a life of humility .. Saint Anthony said: (The reminded us of our sins, God forgotten us, but we have forgotten our sins, God reminds us) ..

So remember your sins, and forget the sins of others .. this leads you to humility and to love. The human arrogant or not loving it, on the contrary: I always forget own shortcomings, and always mentions other errors. The talk about the sins of the people, and annoyed that people talked about his sins.

As well as beneficial from oblivion, to forget your virtues, or forget the good work that the grace of God she wants to do them on your hand .. that it worked good, or God is good work by you, then you have to forget what you did. Do not remember, do not remember it. Lest Aoukek in this matter or in self-pride in admiration, and also so as not to bring yourself praise from people wasting your reward in heaven with him, as are - as the Bible says - "Kharatk have been met on the ground" ..

Which works better, he has to hide it, not only for people, but even for himself is, forgetfulness. In this Jesus he says: "But you then when manufactured charity, do not you know your left hand what you do right. To thine alms may be in secret. Thy Father who sees in secret, will reward you openly" .. Indeed, who mentions his virtues, or virtues appears, but is located in vanity and lose the reward .. so Forget the good that do, do, though insisted you thought the ticket, or that people spoke about you Vansp to the grace of God and not to work yourself.

Among the benefits of oblivion, to forget troubles and tribulations ..
Sometimes I am thinking in narrow even more painful and damaging than the same narrow .. Mark tribulations Foreigk not inside you. Do not allow to enter the tribulations in your mind or in your heart, lest Taatabk. Try to forget. If you pressed the thought has not been able to forget, try to busy reading or working, or talking with people, to forget ..

When Diqatk and forget your troubles and your pain, you will realize that the grace of oblivion and given us God. And Sthkur God made you forget .. Is not that doctors give to patients who are weary ideas and psychological problems, drug dispersion so that the concentration of ideas Vinson .. Thus, the human is trying to buy oblivion medicine, medicine and money. Mubarak is God who gives oblivion for free, to those who love him ..

Forget the hassle permission and anxieties, because remember it brings psychological and neurological diseases, and many other diseases underground.

The benefits of forgetting also that man forgets Almosrat that bring him sin. A young man was reading a story obscene, lewd or sight see, or hear words exciting .. but did not forget all of this, these things remain a war on the idea of ​​lost purity of his heart. It is good for him to forget.
And a young man may be in emotional problem, and trying to comfort his heart to forget .. but was able to recognize the great blessing of forgetfulness.

So try to forget everything that disturb the purity of your heart .. you do not sit down and think in any order defile your mind or your feelings. But that through none of these things you do not retained by not re-thinking about it in order to forget.

It is also the benefits of oblivion to forget Altavhat to stay in your mind the important things beneficial to you and to others ..
Imagine, for example, if a person remember everything that goes through it throughout the day or throughout the week or a month from every petty things that specializes in eating and drinking and sayings of people and views of the road and also all the readings and all the events, such as this person thought unbearable energy to store the necessary and basic information .. so God allows to forget Altavhat to keep in mind the important things only.

Imagine, for example, if you want to pray, and come to your memory all the news and conversations that you expressed in your day !! Can you then focus your mind in prayer. As well as the one he wanted to Nerd lesson, or to write in search, or to discuss an important topic, you can leave it in his mind all the trivialities that have expressed it in his day. Would it not be forgotten that in his favor? Albeit temporarily ..

The forgetfulness permission vital screening process Ngrpl in the mind and in the memory of all the knowledge and information and landscapes, speakers, news, Vtstbaky them useful, and leave what does not help ..

So they tried to Taatgmwa in the balance of your memories, not only Tstbakoa where everything Eviedkm .. The rest Fnssoh. Find rate. In this forgetfulness of God ..
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