
The story of the birth of Christ

Augustus was Emperor is the ruler of Romania vast empire. In one day each ordered a census population of the empire so that every person who registers his name in the city where he was born. The land of Palestine from Romania within the empire.

        Joseph traveled with the Virgin Mary to Bethlehem to register his name and where the Virgin was pregnant. Vorhgaha very travel. And gold to discuss for a place to Hipeta it, but the intensity of the crowd did not find a no room in any Vndq.o shadow Asolan hoteliers all night that offered them a hotel owner that Hipeta in devoted to his animals the cave, and despite the bad place Joseph and Mary did not find another solution Vofaqa especially after that I felt the pain of the virgin birth

And in this place he was born of the Virgin Child Jesus and placed in the manger.

On the same night the angel of God appeared to the shepherds guarding Ongamanm and told them about the birth of Christ in the manger. And appeared with the angel a large group of angels sang: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

After the angel disappeared inspected the shepherds in the house all the flesh of Christ that they found him in the manger Frckawa before him in reverence and told the Virgin Mary and Joseph the carpenter of what their owners.

Either in the country's east has some of the wise men saw a new star appeared in the sky illuminating the birth of a great king guide. So the wise men decided to travel to the scene of the king to worship him. During their travels the star to guide them to the road that arrived Oorchillam.vzhbwa of King Herod, questioning him about the newborn king of the Alehud.o But King Herod did not know anything about the baby he asked the wise men and said to them: Go look for the baby, and turn to tell me about his whereabouts to go to him and worship for him. But the fact that King Herod wanted to kill the child so as not to take his throne.

        Complete the sages their search for the baby Jesus until they came to the manger. And they came to the manger and worshiped before the Lord Jesus and gave him their gifts: gold and that passed. The wise men departed to return to their country, but they did not tell King Herod the whereabouts of the child so as not to kill him.

Then the angel appeared in a dream to Joseph and told him that King Herod wanted to kill the baby Jesus and ordered him to flee to Egypt. Joseph took the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus and traveled to Msr.oma King Herod ordered the killing of all newborns.

         Long live the Holy Family in Egypt two years When King Herod died, the angel appeared again in a dream to Joseph and told him to return to his country. Holy Family came back to Jerusalem, and turned to the city of Nazareth and lived there.

And passed several years to become Christ at the age of twelve years. In that year, accompanied by Joseph Christ and the Virgin Mary on their journey to Jerusalem to spend the holiday there. Having spent a holiday week of oud journey began to Nazareth. But after the two discovered Joseph and the Virgin Mary that Jesus Christ did not accompany them on the return trip and note that they must be left him in Jerusalem. Faragaa discuss with him everywhere that they found him in the temple, the center of the senior teachers talking with them.

And when she saw the Virgin rushed to him and Atpth because he did not go with them, he said to her Christ: "Why were you discussing about me? Did he learned I should be in my Father's house?!." As teachers they told the Virgin admiration of his wisdom and knowledge. Then everyone returned to Nazareth and lived there Jesus Christ several more years to be reached thirty years of age and began preaching trip for three years.
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