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+ The worst of it was written separation from God .anfsal in the heart and in the love of will also work. (His Holiness Pope Shenouda III)

+ Repentance and faith in the mystery of the fountain of salvation and the way of love, hope and the conduct of the righteous and the home of strangers. (St. Aberhor)

+ God wants repentance: when the victorious spirit on the body in a period of fasting and can subject the body and intransigence with Kaqh of his passions (Pope Cyril VI)

+ Light Jesus will remain constantly in his arms because he wants to myself that he dies so that incubating (Father Bishoy Kamel)

+ If completed all the good deeds of human malice in his heart, his brother is a strange God (Bishop Pachomius August the Company)

+ Death in jihad is better than life in the fall (St. Isaac the Syrian)

+ The tears that Ndhirvha Ali sins valuable than all the jewels of the world (St. John Chrysostom)

+ Every thought Aharbak Put him guardian then weaken and win it (Mar Agres)

+ Remember senses take off sins and save heart goes a pain that gives birth to sin (St Isaac the Syrian)

+ Sotob now and not tomorrow, this is the moment in my hands, but tomorrow in the hands of God (St. Taavan hermit)

+ God has allowed evil forces that are on us, but at the same time Aomralqguat heavenly to stand with us and protect us, and we sing with Elisha the prophet who passed through the same experience that "those who with us more than who we have," says the Lord each one of us "to Atkhc from the fear of the night nor the arrow that flies by day fall at your right hand, your left thousands and ten thousands, but you do not come near to you (His Holiness Pope Shenouda III
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